Northwest Tap Connection
A Race & Social Justice Oriented Studio Connecting Dance Across Communities
8732 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118 | nwtapc@yahoo.com
Northwest Tap Connection and Seattle Office of Arts and Culture present
Cultural Education Program
Please join Northwest Tap Connection for our 2022 Cultural Education Program with a focus on BIPOCs in America: Truths and Conversations. The program is inclusive of educational conversations, films, art projects, and travel that will focus on the truths and contributions of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) to American history.
Event tickets can be reserved on Eventbrite.com (search Northwest Tap Connection)
Learn more or find links to sign up for events below:

Kitchen Talks Series 4: Don't Touch My Hair
Saturday, July 16, 2022, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Kitchen Talks is a series of provocative and educational conversations that speak to Plantation Living (e.g., Captivity, Enslavement, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, etc.) and the false indoctrination of myths about Brown and Black people in America History.
Series 4: Don’t Touch My Hair will discuss the fascination of black hair in White America. We will discuss the Tignon Law of 1786 and its impact to African American culture inclusive of the Pan-Africanism movement. This event will include an art exhibit inclusive of pictures of black women in head-wraps and hats. Moderated by Makeda Ebube.

Kitchen Talks Series 3: The Myth of the Mammy
Thank you for attending! Video will be shared.
Kitchen Talks is a series of provocative and educational conversations that speak to Plantation Living (e.g., Captivity, Enslavement, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, etc.) and the false indoctrination of myths about Brown and Black people in America History.
Series 3: The Historical Narratives of the Mammy Myth will showcase an exhibition of “Mammy” artifacts, films and dolls, as defined by American history. This event focuses on the history and impacts of false narratives relative to the Mammy within America and African American culture. The event will be moderated by Serrina Goodman.
(The material is of a mature nature and is recommended for ages 14 and older)