Northwest Tap Connection
A Race & Social Justice Oriented Studio Connecting Dance Across Communities
8732 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118 | nwtapc@yahoo.com
MS MELBA: Tapology 2019 Living Legend
Women In Tap 2019: A Tapology Concert
The excitement and talent of a Broadway show, with the benefits of an annual community concert. This year the featured artists include: Dianne “Lady Di” Walker, Maurice Chestnut, Jason Samuels Smith, twins Joseph Wiggan and Josette Wiggan, Jason Janas, Flint’s own Bradleys, Northwest Tap Ensemble and many more.
Tapology’s Living Legend honoree is Melba Ayco, from Seattle Washington. Honored for her work to give youth focus and pride in their culture and abilities using Tap as a medium.
Tapology is a nonprofit program training youth to not only dream, but achieve impossible dreams, through the art of dance. Offering year-round programs for young people and adults after school and on weekends, the program serves more than 1500 students each year.
Tapology is a 501c3 organization whose major supporters include the Ruth Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, James A Welch Foundation, Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts, Flint Institute of Music and Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village. We also acknowledge support from many business, non profit and individual donors like you.
Learn more about the program and how you can be involved at Tapology.Org (810) 787-0197